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Student Projects

Here are projects turned in by Master Composter trainees as part of their training requirements. You'll find much useful information here.


Most of these are PDF files.  You will probably find it easier to view/download these files on a computer rather than a mobile phone.


2024: Rob Kahler and Anna O'Malley - The Rio Grande Food Project, A Composting Upgrade


2023: Richard  Adeyemi - Highland High School Community Compost Bin


2023: Danielle Reddick -  Composting with the Worm Factory


2023: Gregory Segura - The Project That Never Ends


2023: Bernadette Torres - Shabeta's Compost


2023: Yini Wang - Home Composting Quick Start


2019: Olivia Gutierrez - Composting in New Mexico (a lesson for children)


2019: Genevieve Morgan - Using Compost and Composting Worms in Modified Desert Hugelkultur Garden Beds for Moisture Retention and Soil Fertility


2019: Michael Reed - Basic Backyard Sheet Mulching

2019: Doug Tracy - Aerobic (Aerated) Compost Tea


2018: Gabriel Dawson - Exploring Vermicomposting Bedding


2018: Morgan Loven - The Benefits of Composting - Poster

2018: Morgan Loven - Love Your Plants - Poster

2018: Morgan Loven - What Comes From the Soil Must Be Returned to the Soil - Poster


2018: Karie Luidens - Home Composting Basics Slide Show


2018: James MacQuigg - Bokashi from Text to Operational

2018: Dair Obenshain - School Composting Plan for Cien Aguas International School

2018: Maggie Shepard - Keeping Microbes as Pets: Composting as Animal Husbandry

2018: Melissa Theesfeld - Desert Home Composting Basics


2018: Rhea Trotman - Composting Paper Products

2017: Roney Bisio - How to Build a Straw Bale Compost Bin

2017: Arlene Buchholz - Composting Animal Carcass Mortality as an Option for Livestock Carcass Disposal in New Mexico

2017: Diana Chantalle - Outline for a Master Composter Class

2017: Robert Danke - Considerations for Creating a Garden in Abiquiu, New Mexico

2017: Mary Green - Vermicomposting with Some Suggestions for Dry Climates

2017: Nicole Huber - Backyard Compost Troubleshooting

2017: Jenn Myers - Convective Air Flow (Drawing)

2017: Jenn Myers - Convective Air Flow (Text)

2017: Vicki Peck - A Case for Replacing Inorganic Agricultural Inputs with Mycorrhizal Fungi (Slides)


2017: Vicki Peck - A Case for Replacing Inorganic Agricultural Inputs with Mycorrhizal Fungi (Text)


2017: Ronda Zaragoza - Book Reports on Two Children's Books and Evaluation by the Grandchildren

2015: Molly Booker - Lecture Notes, Work in Beauty Workshop, Gallup, NM

2015: Karanbir Deol - Introduction to Composting

2015: Steven Fuson - Vermiculture/Worm Selection

2015: Kathy Harris - Fundamentals of Soil, Report from the Quivira Conference

2015: Ted Jurney - Partnering With Organizations On Large Scale Composting Projects

2015: Jennifer Lukas - Improving Compost Operations at a Greenhouse

2014: Mel Chavez - Setting Up and Maintaining a Worm Bin

2014: Geoffrey Rockefeller - Book Review on The Humanure Handbook

2014: Brad Weikel - Composting With Manure

2013: Rye Bailey - From Me to We: Beyond the Backyard Fence

2013: Carl Soderberg - Composting: A Pattern of Recovery

2012: Steve Hale - Composting 101: How to heat up an old or start a new compost pile

2012: Julie Kois - Vermicomposting

2011: Dan Kaufman - Book Review on Holy Sh*t: Managing Manure to Save Mankind by Gene Logsdon

2011: Jo LaMore - List of Books Related to Composting at Your Local ABQ Library

2011: Luke Logan - List of Composting Resources

2011: Joanne McEntire - Hot Compost Demonstration with Photos

2011: Joanne McEntire - Top Eleven Picks from YouTube

2011: Rod Reay - Book Review on Let It Rot!

2011: Omar Sadek - Carbon to Nitrogen Ratio Simplified


2011: Omar Sadek - Compost Mix Calculator, an Excel Spreadsheet

2010: Judith Espinoza - Composting for the Beginner

2010: Mark Mellot - Worm Composting PowerPoint Presentation

2010: Carissa Nichols - Composting 101

2010: Tom Nichols - Presentation for Mountainair

2010: Wynette Richards - Simple Home Composting

A poster with a beautiful heart drawn with flowers.  It says "Love Your Plants From The Roots Up. Compost!" Learn more at

Poster designed by Morgan Loven

If you are a current or past master composter and don't see your project here and would like to add it, please contact  We've tried to include all projects but some have been misplaced.  No projects were omitted on purpose.


Or if you would prefer that your project be removed from the website, please contact

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Bernalillo County Extension
Master Composters
Albuquerque, New Mexico

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