Demonstration Sites

Photo courtesy of Joshua Willis
The BCEMC maintains compost bins at the sites listed below with the aid of Master Composter volunteers and personnel at the sites themselves. The bins are used for instruction and demonstrations as well as to provide composting capability at the locations.
Albuquerque Garden Center, 10120 Lomas Blvd. NE (map to AGC)
Bernalillo County Extension Office, 1510 Menaul Blvd. Ext. NW (map to BCCEO)
Gutiérrez-Hubbell House, 6029 Isleta Blvd. SW (map to GHH)
Open Space Visitor Center, 6500 Coors Blvd. NW (map to OSVC)
You are welcome to visit any site and talk with someone who helps maintain the site. We also welcome additional volunteers to help at the sites.
Contact if you'd like to arrange a visit or to discuss volunteering.​