Web Resources
Organizations in our community and state that support composting or provide resources for composters and gardeners:
Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Authority (compost facility operations)
New Mexico Environment Department, Solid Waste Bureau (training for municipal composting facility operators in NM)
New Mexico Recycling Coalition (compost courses, etc.)
Organizations outside New Mexico that support composting or provide resources for composters and gardeners:
Useful information about composting (primarily from government and educational institutions):
Beyond Recycling: Composting food scraps and soiled paper (report from Center for a Competitive Waste Industry)
Dirt! The Movie. You can watch it here on YouTube. This is a must-see, great resource.
eCommons@Cornell (master composter training manuals)
Home Composting Basics on YouTube Now (Institute for Local Self-Reliance)
Horticultural Myths (from Washington State University)
Landscape for Life (a sustainable home landscape tool)
Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) in the United States (EPA solid waste report)
The Soil Biology Primer (from USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service)
Vermicomposting (from College of Agriculture at New Mexico State University)