Gutiérrez-Hubbell House Backyard Composting Series
Photo courtesy of Michael Reed
Home composting is a straightforward way to recycle kitchen and yard leftovers into an excellent desert garden soil amendment. Join us for a series of mostly hands-on workshops at the beautiful and historic Gutiérrez-Hubbell House as we demystify composting and explore a variety of approaches suitable to different scales and situations. The workshops will present a variety of home composting methods. Each composting setup will remain in place so that participants may stop by and take a look at the on-going composting demonstration zone. You will be able to observe composting in action. The series is a collaboration of the Hubbell House Alliance and staff, the Bernalillo County Open Space Program, and the Bernalillo County Extension Master Composters.
Workshops are FREE, but registration is required. Send questions to
Upcoming Classes in the Series
If you have questions or if you are an individual with a disability who is in need of an auxiliary aid or service to participate in the classes, please contact us in advance at
To see the classes held in the past in the series, see our past classes archive.