Policies and Procedures
New Mexico State University Policy
NMSU is an equal opportunity employer. All programs are available to everyone regardless of age, color, disability, gender, national origin, race, religion, sexual orientation or veteran status. New Mexico State University and the U.S. Department of Agriculture cooperating. The facilities for this event are accessible to individuals with disabilities. Version A-072.2
Bernalillo County Extension Service Policy
Bernalillo County Extension Master Composters will provide scientifically based information on home composting in the community as an unpaid public service. When acting as a BCEMC:
They identify themselves as such.
They do not endorse any method, product, service, business or commercial endeavor.
They do not accept payment for volunteer outreach activities.
They are open to discussion of all composting methods.
They show no discrimination on the basis of age, color, disability, sex, national origin, race, religion or veteran status.
Additionally: Written materials prepared by BCEMC's, who indicate themselves as such in the article, must be approved by the local Extension Agent before release.
The Federal Policy Act prohibits the use of the BCEMC mailing list for personal, political or commercial use.
Master Composters from counties other than Bernalillo should follow their own County Extension policies.
Administrative Procedures
The Bernco Master Composter Association provides a structure for the support and maintenance of the Master Composter program and its graduates.
The Association maintains the mission and vision by, but not limited to:
Collaboration with the Bernalillo County Extension Service
Seeking and coordinating volunteer outreach venues in the community
Stating the minimum number of volunteer hours required annually in order to maintain membership in the Association
Maintaining a list of active members and their reported volunteer hours
Planning and presenting future trainings for Master Composters
Supporting continued education for members
Addressing other support mechanisms that might be relevant to the mission and maintenance of the Association
Also see Standing Rules (Article X) in our Bylaws for volunteer requirements, deadlines, etc.