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Raised Bed


July 15, 2019

I attended a raised bed and composting workshop at the open space center on Coors several years ago. At that workshop I learned about a resin/plastic type of raised bed available in many colors that had two types of covers so you could extend your growing season. I am really wanting to purchase one of these but can’t remember the name of the local company or the person who offers them. I’m hoping you can help me by providing that information. They were kind of expensive around $300-$500 I think depending upon the size.

Thank you so much for your help.


Answer by JZ: I will try to answer your question(s).  You have a fine idea.  If there is a local manufacturer for what you describe - I do not know about it. Don’t know of a specific source for what you envision, but this website -  I think has a kit which gets close to what you describe with an

attached video:  Raised Cedar Garden Bed Mini Greenhouse Kit 3'x6' |

Let me know if this is helpful.  Then we can go from there.   Best.      

Logo of New Mexico State University

Bernalillo County Extension
Master Composters
Albuquerque, New Mexico

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