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Lazy Composting with a Bin


May 29, 2013

I attended a very interesting Saturday seminar a few weeks ago, held at the City / County (?) facility on Coors. A gentleman - whose name I did not get and was not on the card he passed out - gave a very informative talk on composting. As I am very lazy, the "cold composting" technique caught my attention. His presentation included a picture of a plastic-type, pre-made container in which you "put in at the top, and many months later, take out from the bottom" (my kind of composting!). I wonder if the manufacturer of that composting bin could be obtained from the speaker? I have googled and seen bins somewhat similar, but nothing looked identical to what the slide showed. Thank you for your help and I look forward to hearing the results of your "detective work"!


Answer by JZ: I think that you may be referring to the "Garden Gourmet" composting bin. See attached web site. It is also available at

Logo of New Mexico State University

Bernalillo County Extension
Master Composters
Albuquerque, New Mexico

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